الأحد 16 مارس
إعلان: مدونة الوظيفة لم تعد محينة لذا فنحن ندعوكم لزيارة موقع و منتدى الوظيفة ـ ماروك.كوم

الاثنين، 8 فبراير 2010

MINURSO :Job vacancy : Receiving and Inspection Assistant. The deadline:29 February, 2010


  • Mission des Nations Unies pour l'Organisation d'un référendum au Sahara occidental (MINURSO)

Invites applications for the post of:

Receiving and Inspection Assistant

Interested candidates should complete the attached United Nations Personal History form (P.11) in English and forward it electronically to the following email address: minurso-vacancies@un.org.

Applicants should indicate the vacancy announcement number on their application and in the subject line of their email transmission. Incomplete P-11 s will not be processed. Separate applications should be submitted, if applying for more than one position.

Please find below current vacancies at MINURSO :

Vacancy ID : MINURSO-10-L-001

Description : Receiving and Inspection Assistant GL-4 (Laayoune)

Closing Date : 29 February, 2010

موقع الوظيفة المغرب حصريا


site web : http://www.alwadifa-maroc.com/

e-mail : alwadifa@hotmail.com

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المباريات والإمتحانات لولوج الوظائف بالمغرب

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