الخميس 13 مارس
إعلان: مدونة الوظيفة لم تعد محينة لذا فنحن ندعوكم لزيارة موقع و منتدى الوظيفة ـ ماروك.كوم

الاثنين، 5 أكتوبر 2009

The British Council:Job Vacancy: Customer Service Assistant.The deadline: 15 Octobre 2009

The British Council

Job Vacancy: Customer Service Assistant

The British Council is looking for a part time Customer Service Assistant based in Rabat. We are seeking an enthusiastic and dynamic individual who can assist in the delivery of high quality information services to customers which meet their needs and enables the British Council to achieve its objective.

Applicants need to demonstrate the following skills and competencies:

  • Teamworking Level 1
  • Customer Service Orientation Level 2
  • Achievement Level 2
  • Flexibility Level 2
  • Self awareness Level1
  • Communication skills
  • IT Skills

Salary: Dhs 7000 Gross per month with an excellent health insurance Scheme. Please note that part-time J grade salary is 50% of the grade J gross salary .

The job requires occasional unsocial hours. Occasional travelling and working over weekends is required.

If you are interested in applying please download and read carefully the below guidance notes then fill in the application form and email it to us (Contact details below).

The deadline for applications is 15 Octobre 2009 at 17.00

Only short listed applicants will be notified.

Please send applications to:

Recruitment Officer British Council36, rue de Tanger Rabat

or by email to csrecruit.rabat@britishcouncil.org.ma

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