الأربعاء 19 مارس
إعلان: مدونة الوظيفة لم تعد محينة لذا فنحن ندعوكم لزيارة موقع و منتدى الوظيفة ـ ماروك.كوم

الخميس، 30 أكتوبر 2008

The British Council: directeur régional de l'apprentissage et du développement organisationnel.closing14/11/2008

Job Vacancy: Regional Manager Learning and Organisational Development

The British Council is looking for a dynamic and motivated Regional Manager Learning and Organisational Development to work with the regional Business Support Services team. The postholder will contribute to the design and implementation of learning and development programmes, processes, and systems, to meet the current and future needs of the British Council in the North Africa and Near East region. In particular the postholder will provide support, advice, and guidance to senior managers on performance management, recruitment and selection processes, and staff learning and development

Competencies, qualifications, skills and experience required

Excellent English written and spoken language skills
Recognised HR or training qualification
Experience in HR practices
Analytical skills
Professional confidence
Leading and developing others
Working strategically
Contract status: Full time indefinite contract
Start date: As soon as possible

How to apply

The closing date for applications is 1700 GMT on Friday 14 November 2008. Please read the job description carefully and complete the application form using the behavioural competency dictionary and guidance notes to help you. Candidates interested in applying for this post must send the completed application to Regional.recruitment@britishcouncil.org.ma by the closing date & state the name of the post in the subject field. Only shortlisted candidates will be informed

Our recruitment policy

British Council is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and welcome applications from all sections of the community. We guarantee an interview to disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria

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المباريات والإمتحانات لولوج الوظائف بالمغرب

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